Smile Confidently This Season with Holiday Teeth Whitening from Dr. Cofer

December 24, 2014

82636110Are you dreading the many holiday “pics” you’ll be asked to take this year? If you’re camera shy because of stained or discolored teeth, it’s time take care of the problem once and for all with a holiday teeth whitening solution from Premier Family Dental. Dr. Cofer is an experienced cosmetic dentist that delivers fast and reliable treatment. Make your appointment to see Dr. Cofer at Premier Family Dental today for the holiday teeth whitening you need.  Premier Family Dental restores smiles daily throughout Waco, TX, Robinson, Lorena, and the surrounding communities.

What Are Your Holiday Teeth Whitening Choices?

You have three basic choices for whitening your teeth. You could switch to a teeth whitening toothpaste. However, this is probably the least effective method. Whitening toothpastes don’t actually contain the beaching agents necessary to correct stains and discoloration. They contain mild abrasives that can only polish away shallow surface stains. Teeth whitening toothpaste is best used as a way to maintain your results after you have chosen a more effective method. Your next choice may be to try an over-the-counter teeth whitening product. These products may come in the form of whitening strips, gels, rinses, or trays. Though more powerful than teeth whitening toothpastes, it can take several weeks of daily use before these products begin to show any significant results. In addition, the prolonged exposure to bleaching agents could be irritating if you have sensitive teeth and gums. Your best bet is to choose professional teeth whitening from a qualified cosmetic dentist. Dr. Cofer offers professional take-home teeth whitening with custom made whitening trays that you can use at your leisure. Professional whitening can whiten your teeth by several shades after just a few days. Dr. Cofer can also ensure that your gums are protected from irritation and infection.

Holiday Teeth Whitening Appointments in Waco, TX

Don’t miss out on all those special holiday moments because you have to hide a discolored smile. Make a holiday teeth whitening appointment with Dr. Cofer today. Dr. Cofer and the attentive team at Premier Family Dental can help you achieve the teeth whitening results you deserve.  Premier Family Dental proudly serves families throughout Waco, TX, Robinson, Lorena, and nearby areas.

Use Your 2014 Dental Insurance Benefits Before Time Runs Out

December 10, 2014

178150902Have you been to the dentist this year? If you haven’t, your dental insurance benefits may expire on December 31st. By making an appointment to see Dr. Cofer at Premier Family Dental today you can ensure that your 2014 dental insurance benefits aren’t wasted.  Dr. Cofer and his talented team are ready to help you get the dental treatments you need to stay healthy year round. Premier Family Dental proudly serves families daily throughout Waco, TX, Robinson, Lorena, and the surrounding communities.

Why Should You Use Your 2014 Dental Insurance Benefits?

There are several good reasons to use your dental insurance benefits before they expire at the end of the year. First, many dental insurance plans have yearly maximums. These maximums vary, but if not used within the calendar year, they will not roll over. Allowing these benefits to expire will only make the dental procedures you may need next year more expensive. Additionally, if you take the time to invest in preventive dental care this year, it will probably help you avoid restorative care costs in the future. Another reason to use your dental insurance benefits is your monthly plan premiums. Why pay for our-services and not use them? Even if your teeth are generally healthy, you still need regular dental checkups and cleanings to keep them that way. However, the most important reason to use your dental benefits is to protect your health. Dental problems like tooth decay and gum disease only get worse over time. This means that the fees for the our-services you need will only increase the longer you postpone treatment. Be smart. Visit Dr. Cofer this year to save your naturally healthy teeth, and your budget.

Take Advantage of Your 2014 Dental Insurance Benefits Today

Make an appointment to see Dr. Cofer at Premier Family Dental for your end of year dental checkup today.  Dr. Cofer is an experienced and trusted Waco family dentist. Premier Family Dental serves patients of all ages throughout Waco, TX, Robinson, Lorena, and nearby areas.

The Healthy Teeth Diet

November 24, 2014

494365699There are plenty of diet books and programs on the market for weight loss, but there are far fewer resources for keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Sometimes, we may fail to realize that people will notice our teeth just as easily as they notice our weight. If you are concerned about keeping your teeth as healthy as possible, try adding some of these “healthy teeth” foods into your daily diet. Although good nutrition is essential to maintaining your good oral health, remember that there is no substitution for regular dental check-ups and cleanings. Get healthier at home and then make an appointment to see Dr. Cofer at Premier Family Dental.  Everyday Dr. Cofer and his experienced team help families stay healthy throughout Waco, TX, Robinson, Lorena, and surrounding communities.

Healthy Teeth Diet Suggestions

Avoid sugar packed and carbohydrate rich foods whenever possible. Then try incorporating the following healthy teeth foods into your family’s diet:

  • Low-fat dairy products
  • Fortified soy and rice beverages
  • Canned salmon or sardines
  • Almonds
  • Dark green leafy vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Spinach
  • Bananas
  • Orange colored fruits and veggies
  • Tea

Healthy Teeth Appointments for the Whole Family in Waco, TX

Your dental health is directly linked to your overall health. Practicing a healthy diet will not only help you maintain a healthy weight, it will also protect your teeth. These healthy teeth foods are packed with nutrients like calcium, Vitamin D and magnesium.  These minerals help protect your teeth and gums from decay and infection. Along with a good oral hygiene routine, the healthy teeth diet can keep your family’s teeth in tip top shape. Dr. Cofer wants to partner with you to prevent dental problems. Make an appointment to see Dr. Cofer at Premier Family Dental today.  Dr. Cofer and his team can provide professional dental cleanings and address any signs of trouble at the earliest stages. Dr. Cofer and his team at Premier Family Dental proudly serve families throughout Waco, TX, Robinson, Lorena, and nearby areas.

Holiday Dental Care Advice for the Whole Family

November 10, 2014

452468229You may be extremely busy this time of year with holiday preparations, but remember that this is not the time to forget about proper dental care. In fact, you should be extra vigilant with your oral hygiene during the holidays because of the many tempting foods that are extra damaging to your dental health. When we consume sugar filled drinks and snacks, the naturally occurring bacteria in our mouth is able to feed off of the sugary residue. As a result these bacteria produce an excess of tooth eroding acids that wear away our enamel and cause tooth decay. You don’t want to start off the New Year with a toothache. Fortify your family’s dental health over the holidays by making an appointment to see Dr. Cofer at Premier Family Dental today.  Dr. Cofer and his team can help you protect your family’s teeth with dental sealants and fluoride treatments among other preventative our-services. Dr. Cofer and his experienced team at Premier Family Dental proudly serve families throughout Waco, TX, Robinson, Lorena, and surrounding communities.

5 Healthy Holiday Dental Care Tips:

  • Only eat sugar and carbohydrate rich foods as part of a balanced meal. The saliva needed to help digest larger meals washes away more food particles and helps neutralize harmful acids.
  • Avoid sticky foods like raisins, dates and dried fruit which can hold acid against teeth longer than other foods.
  • Keep a toothbrush or some mouthwash handy so that you can brush right after eating at holiday parties.
  • Chew more sugar free gum. The Xylitol in sugar free gum has been shown to help fight off cavities and gum disease.
  • Eat a piece of cheese or drink a glass of milk after enjoying a sugary snack. The calcium in these dairy products can help keep your teeth strong throughout the season.

Holiday Dental Care Appointments in Waco, TX

Make it a point to start off the New Year with a bright and healthy smile. You can easily make holiday dental care appointments for the whole family at Premier Family Dental today. Dr. Cofer and his highly qualified team restore smiles daily throughout Waco, TX, Robinson, Lorena, and nearby areas.

Dental Care 101: What to Do When You Get a Toothache

October 24, 2014

469666295You’re happily going about your day when out of the blue you feel a sharp pain shoot through the left side of your mouth. Suddenly nothing else matters but this intense and throbbing pain. A toothache like this can often come without warning and without mercy. If you have ever had a toothache, you know that it’s nearly impossible to concentrate or do anything at all until you can get relief from the pain. It’s through this perilous situation that most people finally make time to see a dentist. That’s dental care the hard way. Don’t wait for the failure to see a dentist regularly to catch up with you in the form of a toothache. Prevent your next toothache altogether by making an appointment to see Dr. Cofer at Premier Family Dental today. Dr. Cofer and his experienced team at Premier Family Dental specialize in preventative dental care. Premier Family Dental proudly serves patients throughout Waco, TX, Robinson, Lorena and surrounding communities.

Temporary Toothache Relief Tips

You can try these temporary toothache pain remedies while you wait for dental treatment:

  • Take a Painkiller– Make sure to only take the recommended dosage.
  • Apply a Cold Compress- Use a plastic bag with ice, cover it with a thin cloth or paper towel, and apply it directly to the cheek area just outside the tooth. The cold temperature will help ease the pain. Do not apply the ice directly to the tooth.
  • Numb the Area- Get an over-the-counter tooth and gum numbing gel and apply to the affected area in your mouth.
  • Floss- Sometimes a toothache is caused by a small piece of food that is lodged between the teeth and is exacerbating the pain of cavities or gum disease.
  • Clove Oil- This is an old home remedy that is said thought to at least ease the pain of a toothache. Simply rub a few drops on the affected tooth several times daily.
  • Sea Salt Rinse- A toothache that’s caused by an injury or a mild infection might go away on its own. You can make a rinse with warm water and a spoonful of sea salt that could help it along. When the salt dissolves, try gargling the water in your mouth, making sure it splashes around the affected area. Repeat as necessary, and make an appointment to see us for evaluation.

Toothache Prevention in Waco, TX

There is no question that the best way to deal with a toothache is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Some toothaches may be unavoidable due to injury, but the vast majority are caused by a lack of proper dental care. Don’t let a perceived fear of the dentist create actual toothache pain. Dr. Cofer can offer Sedation Dentistry techniques to ensure that your dental care is comfortable and virtually pain-free. Be proactive and make an appointment to see Dr. Cofer with Premier Family Dental today. Dr. Cofer and his gentle and experienced team at Premier Family Dental proudly serve patients throughout Waco, TX, Robinson, Lorena and surrounding cities.

Don’t Let Gum Disease Get Out of Hand

October 10, 2014

177046733You are smart, driven, capable and incredibly busy. You diligently balance work and family responsibilities every day, and even manage to find time to have a little fun. Yet, like most of us, there is still one area of your life where you find it difficult to be proactive. If you haven’t been to the dentist lately, it’s time to take action. If you have ever discovered blood while brushing or flossing your teeth then you could already have the gum disease, gingivitis. You may have heard of gingivitis in mouthwash or toothpaste commercials, but dentists know it as the silent menace that, if left untreated, can literally ruin your good health. You can’t afford to procrastinate when it comes to your health. Gum disease can be treated and even reversed, but only if it’s caught in the early stages of development. Make an appointment to see Dr. Cofer at Premier Family Dental today to get the gum disease treatment you need. Dr. Cofer and his experienced team at Premier Family Dental proudly serve patients throughout Waco, TX, Robinson, Lorena, and surrounding communities.

You May Already Have Gum Disease If:

  • You suffer from chronic bad breath
  • Your gums appear red or swollen
  • Your gums are tender or bleeding when you brush your teeth
  • It’s painful to chew certain foods
  • You have loose teeth
  • You have extremely sensitive teeth
  • Your gums appear to be receding or your teeth appear longer

Gum Disease Treatment in Waco, TX

The good news is that there are many effective gum disease treatments available today. The dentist can start with a deep cleaning, known as scaling and root planning, to get rid of the plaque and tartar buildup around your gum line that causes gingivitis. However, if your gum disease has been allowed to advance into the periodontitis stage, more invasive procedures may be necessary to save your teeth. This can include the need for flap surgery or bone and tissue grafts to repair long term gum disease damage. Don’t let gum disease get out of hand. Be proactive and make an appointment to see Dr. Cofer at Premier Family Dental. Dr. Cofer will assess your unique situation and find the periodontal treatment plan that works best for you. The team at Premier Family Dental proudly serves patients throughout Waco, TX, Robinson, Lorena, and surrounding cities.

Enjoy A Restored Smile with Dental Implants

September 24, 2014

459643747One thing that can really have someone feeling insecure about their smile is having teeth missing. Aside from being aesthetically unappealing, having a smile that is incomplete can have damaging effects on someone’s self-esteem and the way they interact with others. Though there are many ways a person can lose a tooth, or several teeth, the result is nearly always the same: someone feeling less than confident. Though it may seem as though there is nothing you can do to restore your smile, Dr. Rick Cofer is able to rejuvenate the smiles of his patients by offering dental implants at his Waco, TX dental office.

One of the wonderful things about Dr. Cofer performing your dental implant procedure is the fact that everything can be done in the same office. Unlike some other dental practices that send you to multiple offices to get the procedure done, Dr. Cofer is able to take care of your procedure from beginning to end in one place. Also, Dr. Cofer has had extensive training and success in dental implantology, accumulating an astonishing 192 hours of study. There is no doubt you will be in excellent hands with Dr. Cofer performing your procedure.

Dr. Cofer will set up a consultation with you, where he will be able to assess your smile in its current condition, and determine whether or not dental implants are right for you. Dental implanting involves embedding a titanium post into your jaw bone, which replaces the missing tooth root. Over time, the post will fuse with the bone in your jaw, creating a strong, lasting bond. After the right amount of time has passed, your tooth-resembling crown is placed on top, making your smile look natural and organic! Dental implants can also be used to support dentures and partials, eliminating the embarrassment of slippage and the inconvenience of denture creams. If you would like Dr. Cofer’s help in completing your smile with dental implants, contact our office today!

Premier Family Dental provides quality dental care from our Waco dental office because we truly believe in the power of a beautiful smile. We serve patients from Robinson, Lorena, and the Central Texas area. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Straighten Your Smile with Ease Using ClearCorrect

September 10, 2014

177000598If you have a misaligned or gapped smile, you could find it difficult to be proud of the way you look overall. You may have considered straightening your smile, but the thought of going through life with uncomfortable wires and brackets associated with traditional braces could have turned you away. Fortunately, we live in an age where dental technology is always advancing, and having an aligned smile can be done simply and conveniently! Dr. Rick Cofer is able to offer ClearCorrect Braces to his patients, providing the discreet orthodontic care they deserve.

One of the amazing things about ClearCorrect is that the trays sit clearly on your smile, making it look like you have nothing on your smile at all! ClearCorrect works through a cycle of straightening trays, all custom made to fit your smile only. Each tray is indicative of a different stage of your straightening treatment. After you wear a tray for a certain amount of time, simply remove it and apply the next one in the set! Because each tray is made to fit you, your orthodontic treatment is as personalized as ever, promising amazing results!

One reason why ClearCorrect is wonderful is because you are not restricted to a certain diet while wearing them. With traditional braces, there are certain foods and drinks you cannot enjoy, whereas with ClearCorrect, you have total freedom. Also, you are able to have better oral health with ClearCorrect, as any time you have to floss, drink, brush, or eat, simply remove and reapply the tray when necessary. If you would like Dr. Cofer’s help in aligning your smile using ClearCorrect, contact our office today!

Premier Family Dental provides quality dental care from our Waco dental office because we truly believe in the power of a beautiful smile. We serve patients from Robinson, Lorena, and the Central Texas area. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Which Toothpastes Are Best?

August 20, 2014

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , , , , , , — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 3:33 pm

shutterstock_72848476Simple actions such as brushing and flossing your teeth on a daily basis are excellent ways in making sure your smile is as healthy as it can be. Many people do not realize that brushing and flossing your teeth every day not only take care of your oral health, but the health of your entire body as well. When you walk down the oral care aisle, there are so many options to choose from that you may feel overwhelmed. Choosing the right toothpaste for you may seem like an easy enough task, but it can really take some thought in order to make sure all of your oral care needs are properly met. Dr. Rick Cofer wants his patients to be as informed as possible when choosing a toothpaste as to achieve oral health success.

A very important aspect to look for when choosing a good toothpaste is making sure that the toothpaste has fluoride. Fluoride is a natural mineral that strengthens your teeth as well as attracts other minerals, all contributing to a healthier, stronger smile. Fluoride also prevents dental decay, cavities being an example. Acid is released when the bacteria in your smile feed off of the sugars and starches left behind after you eat and drink, and fluoride is an excellent way to fight that acid.

Another thing to look for is making sure the toothpaste has tartar control. Tartar is hardened plaque, and, if left to its own devices, puts you at a higher risk of gum disease and other oral decay. Some tartar control toothpastes contain Triclosan, which is an antibiotic that kills bacteria that live in your mouth. One of the most important things to look for is a toothpaste that is ADA approved. Keeping these few tips in mind, you are sure to experience better oral and bodily health!

Premier Family Dental provides quality dental care from our Waco dental office because we truly believe in the power of a beautiful smile. We serve patients from Robinson, Lorena, and the Central Texas area. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Find Relief in Root Canal Therapy

August 6, 2014

shutterstock_160305989Whether it is mild or severe, living in constant pain would be hard on anyone. Tooth pain is especially taxing on the mind, body, and heart, and is known to be one of the worst types of pain someone can experience. Though tooth pain may not seem like a big deal to some people, there can be serious underlying issues regarding your smile that could cause any sort of pain or discomfort. If you are experiencing tooth pain, you may need root canal therapy performed, and Dr. Rick Cofer is able to give you relief from your discomfort.

A root canal is required when bacteria has infected your tooth’s pulp, usually due to a cavity gone awry. When the harmful bacterium has reached your pulp, the result is pain and pressure, and it only gets worse over time. If left untreated, the bacterium in your mouth has the potential to enter your blood stream, putting other areas of your body in harm’s way. A few signs that indicate that you may need root canal therapy are tooth pain and sensitivity, tenderness, and discoloration of the tooth.

Root canal therapy is a simple procedure with highly effective and relieving results. Dr. Cofer will address the infected tooth by removing the damaged pulp. After that, he will fill the tooth with a bio-compatible material. Depending on the strength of your tooth, Dr. Cofer may put a crown on top of your tooth, protecting it from further harm and preventing bacteria from entering the tooth again. At the end of the procedure, you are left feeling alleviated of pain! If you would like Dr. Cofer to help with your root canal therapy, make an appointment today at our Waco, TX dental office today!

Premier Family Dental provides quality dental care from our Waco dental office because we truly believe in the power of a beautiful smile. We serve patients from Robinson, Lorena, and the Central Texas area. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

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