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Is Dental Sedation During Pregnancy Safe?

May 25, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 10:59 am
A dentist treating a pregnant dental patient

Naturally, you need regular dental care even if you’re pregnant. Your teeth and gums will suffer otherwise. That said, what if you’re also afraid of the dentist? You might wonder whether dental sedation during pregnancy is safe. Well, the answer to that question can vary; it often depends on a patient’s health history. To learn more, let your Waco dental practice explain. Here’s a summary of sedation dentistry, its safety for pregnant patients, and why to talk to your local sedation dentist.


Can Dental Implants Get Cavities?

April 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 6:23 am
a woman at the dentist getting her dental implants examined

Dental implants have helped millions of people restore their lost teeth. Considered the gold standard of tooth replacements by most dental professionals, they offer so many benefits to your oral health. They give long-lasting stability by replacing teeth from root to crown. Additionally, they are completely natural looking! But you may wonder if they are susceptible to tooth decay. Here’s what to know about dental implants and cavities.


5 Tips to Free Your Smile from Something Stuck Between Your Teeth

April 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 6:08 am
a person using a flossing tool to remove something between their teeth

When your smile is comfortable and healthy, it’s easy to not give it much thought. But when you get something stuck between your teeth, it can drive you crazy! While most of the time this occurrence doesn’t lead to a more serious oral health issue, it is essential to remove the object as soon as you can. Here are five helpful steps to free your grin from an object lodged in your pearly whites.


How Does Sedation Dentistry Actually Feel?

March 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 9:18 pm
hand holding a pill

For one reason or another, there are thousands of people who have dental anxiety, and many of them can see their oral health start to slip as a result. If that hits close to home, sedation dentistry may help you feel more at ease and get the care you need.

However, lots of people don’t really know what sedation will feel like in a dental context, which makes them even more nervous than they would be otherwise. If you want to know, here’s how the most common drugs in sedation will be likely to affect you.


The Facts about Dental Implant Safety

March 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 9:15 pm
dental implant lying on a table

Dental implants are some of the most common tooth replacement options, and just about any dentist will tell you that they’re some of the best. They’re realistic, durable, and give you much better bite force than dentures, for example.

However, unlike other methods of tooth replacement, dental implants involve surgery. As a result, some people are made nervous by the procedure and wonder about its safety. If you want to know more about any risks of getting dental implants, here’s a guide with some more information.


Tooth Loss Changes Your Facial Shape

February 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 2:39 am

Model of dental implantTooth loss affects more than just your confidence. Missing teeth can make it difficult to eat certain foods or pronounce sounds clearly. Believe it or not, an incomplete smile can also change the shape of your face, making you look years older. Here’s how dental implants can take 10 years off your appearance by restoring your smile.


Is Cosmetic Dentistry Safe?

February 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 3:10 am

Woman pointing to her smileResearch has shown that an attractive smile is attributed to youth, success, and confidence. However, few people have perfect teeth naturally. Not to mention, age, lifestyle habits, trauma, and other factors also play a significant role in the appearance of your teeth. No matter the issue, cosmetic dentistry can turn the smile of your dreams into reality, but is it safe? Yes! Here’s how you can achieve a picture-perfect smile.


Which Dental Emergencies Cause Face Pain?

January 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 6:13 pm

Pain can be kind of funny sometimes; it might seem like one thing is hurting when actually, it’s another thing that happens to be nearby. The result is that you could be experiencing serious discomfort, but not really know why.

If you’re dealing with facial pain, it’s almost certainly a sign of a dental emergency. You should call your dentist as soon as possible, and they’d be able to tell you more about what could be happening to you. That said, here are some of the most common reasons you might be experiencing facial pain.


Understand the Risks if You Smoke with Dental Implants

December 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 1:50 am
man grabbing a cigarette

Dental implants are considered by many people to be one of the most crucial developments in dentistry. After all, they help individuals regain their lost chewing power, provide jaw support, and are very natural in appearance and feel. Dentists will evaluate a patient’s oral health and medical history before giving the green light for the procedure. The question is, will the combination of smoking and dental implants be more likely to get a red light for a patient seeking the procedure, or perhaps, lead to a higher probability of trouble with dental implants down the road?


3 Helpful Pointers About Your Dental Insurance

November 28, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 8:10 pm
a couple discussing dental insurance in Waco

How long has it been since you’ve scheduled a dental checkup and cleaning? Are you in need of restorative dental care? If so, then you’re likely considering how you’ll pay for your treatments. While a dental insurance plan should be helpful, you may not fully understand the details of your coverage. Keep reading to learn three important tips to help you navigate your policy!

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