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Promote Your Oral Health with Premier Family Dental

February 3, 2016

Filed under: Preventive Dentistry — Tags: , — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 9:46 am

Premier Family Dental Oral HealthWe all know that it’s important to maintain your oral health to keep your teeth healthy for an attractive smile, but did you know your oral health is also linked to your overall health? Since oral health and overall well-being go hand-in-hand, if you neglect your oral health, you’re raising your risk for serious health conditions, such as heart disease, respiratory illness, and periodontal disorders. At Premier Family Dental, we understand that you can’t be well with an unhealthy mouth, which is why we encourage you to make necessary changes for optimal health.

Choosing an Implant Dentist in Waco

February 2, 2016

Filed under: Dental Implants — Tags: , — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 6:29 pm

Premier Family Dental Implant Dentist in WacoProcedures for tooth replacement in Waco are highly sought as the American College of Prosthodontists reports over 35 million people don’t have any teeth in American and an estimated 178 million more people are missing at least one tooth. While these numbers are alarming, they are expected to drastically grow over the next 20 years. For those who are missing teeth, dental implant surgery is a perfect solution to repair the damage from missing teeth. An implant dentist in Waco can perform the procedure from start to finish to have you smiling your best again.


Your Dentist in Waco – Premier Family Dental – Treats Fluorosis

January 25, 2016

Stained teeth need treatment for fluorosis from the Premier Family Dental teamDo you have brown or white spots on your teeth? Has this discoloration been part of your smile your whole life? You may have fluorosis, a discoloration of teeth during dental develop. Before permanent teeth ever erupt from the gums, they absorb fluoride and other nutrients in order to build strong, healthy dental structures. Most teeth are fully formed by the time a patient reaches the age of 8. If kids are over exposed to fluoride before teeth have fully developed, discoloration on the surface of teeth, fluorosis, occurs as a result. At Premier Family Dental, we offer multiple treatment options to reverse fluorosis discoloration.

An Introduction to Teeth Whitening in Waco

January 18, 2016

woman with a beautiful smile thanks to teeth whitening in wacoNext time you visit your local pharmacy or grocery store, take a few moments to explore the dental care aisle. You’ll find shelves of whitening gels, strips, pastes, and mouth rinses. All of these products promise dramatic results, effortless application, and long lasting brilliance. Unfortunately, retail whitening treatments are typically ineffective in removing stains. If you’re interested in brightening your smile, the friendly Waco dentist and team at Premier Family Dental invites you to schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation. During this appointment, we’ll determine the likely causes of your staining, and the best way to whiten teeth.

Healthy Teeth Make a Great New Year’s Resolution! Call Your Dentist in Waco

January 10, 2016

friends with beautiful smiles celebrating the new year with healthy teeth thanks to their dentist in wacoPeople make a lot of New Year’s resolutions. From dramatic weight loss plans to spending more time with family to paying off debts. Whatever your New Year’s resolution, remember, a beautiful smile goes with everything. According to studies conducted by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, people found a beautiful smile to be an indicator of confidence, and were most likely to remember smiles than any other part of a first impression. Researchers at UC Berkley think that smiling more often allows people to live longer, happier lives, and an employment survey showed people with an attractive smile were more likely to get hired or promoted. Maybe 2016 is your year to shine with a picture-perfect smile from the team at Premier Family Dental in Waco.

Tips for Choosing a Waco Dentist who meets Your Family’s Dental Needs

January 4, 2016

Family with beautiful smiles thanks to their waco dentistChoosing a family dental practice in Waco may seem like searching for a needle in a haystack, but selecting the right practice for your specific dental needs may be easier than you think. Before diving in head first, review our tips for finding the right dental practice to meet the needs of your family for a lifetime of healthy, happy smiles.

Don’t Fear a Root Canal Waco

December 21, 2015

man holding ice pack to his face has a toothache and needs the relief of a root canal waco residents rely onToothaches have been the topic of much debate for thousands of years. Ancient civilizations believed worms living in teeth caused toothaches, ancient Egyptians recommended holding a dead mouse on aching teeth, their Chinese contemporaries wrapped parchment around teeth with prayers for relief written on them, and Germans in the middle ages recommended kissing a donkey for toothache relief. On February 9th, the feast of St. Apollonia is celebrated. This is also known as toothache day since St. Apollonia was severely beaten by and lost all of her teeth before succumbing to her wounds, and is the patroness of dentists and dental pain. Luckily, modern dentistry provides better solutions for toothaches than kissing livestock or praying to saints. One of the most severe toothaches patients will experience is caused by root canal infection. Root canal infection is actually infection of the inner, pulp, layer of the tooth not necessarily confined to the root canal. All of the nerves in teeth are found in the pulp, so it’s no surprise that these infections are painful. At Premier Family Dental, we offer painless root canal therapy to restore patients’ smiles.

Get the Same Day Dental Crowns Waco Residents Prefer

December 14, 2015

Beautiful smile thanks to dental crowns waco residents preferFor years, patients who needed dental crowns had to wait two or more weeks to receive a custom dental crown. After preparing the damaged tooth, dentists sent plans, images, and scans to a ceramics lab where dental restorations were milled and sent back to the practice. While the customized tooth was being crafted, patients wore a temporary crown that was prone to breaking and coming dislodged. At Premier Family Dental, our Waco dentist and team offer an alternative: CEREC same day dental crowns.

Keep Teeth Beautiful while Wearing Braces with Tips from Your Cosmetic Dentist Waco

December 7, 2015

woman caring for braces thanks to tips from the cosmetic dentist waco trustsMany of our patients seek orthodontic treatment at some point in order to straighten misaligned teeth. Those patients often experience a decline in oral health due in part to how challenging it is to care for teeth with braces. Our dentists and hygienists help patients develop and maintain an at-home hygiene routine to keep teeth and gums healthy throughout orthodontic care. Contact Premier Family Dental to find out more today.

Your Waco Dentist Offers Tips for Building Strong Teeth

December 1, 2015

Woman with a beautiful smile planting healthy foods recommended by the waco dentistWhen it comes to maintaining a healthy smile, dentists offer patients numerous recommendations about oral hygiene, regular preventive care, and early diagnosis and treatment of dental health concerns. One often overlooked way to protect the health of teeth and gums is improved diet. The nutrients we absorb from the foods we eat provide bodies the building blocks necessary to promote optimal oral and whole body health. Two nutrients essential to oral health are calcium and vitamin c.

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