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See the Children’s Dentist in Waco, TX, Early

July 20, 2016

Filed under: Children's Dentistry — Tags: , , , — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 6:10 pm

children's dentistIs there anything more heartwarming that your baby’s tiny smile looking up at you? Probably not. And you know that your child needs to see the dentist in order to have a healthy mouth and smile. But you may be asking yourself questions like “At what age should my baby see the dentist?” “What happens at the first appointment?” “How can I prepare my child?” Waco children’s dentist Dr. Rick Cofer is here to answer those questions and more.


Waco Family Dentist Dr. Cofer Discusses Tooth Sensitivity

July 15, 2016

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , , , — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 8:30 pm

Waco family dentistIce cream, popsicles, watermelon, lemonade and iced tea. These cool treats are a summertime tradition for most people. But for those with sensitive teeth, these tasty foods and beverages might not be worth the pain—and we mean that literally. Tooth sensitivity can happen when the dentin layer of a tooth is exposed. This layer is usually well covered by enamel, a tooth’s hard outer lining. However, if the enamel becomes eroded, then there can be tooth sensitivity. Waco family dentist Dr. Cofer has ways to treat sensitive teeth, so you can eat whatever you like this summer without worrying about the pain.


Dental Sealants from the Children’s Dentist in Waco, TX

June 9, 2016

Filed under: Children's Dentistry — Tags: , , , — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 6:10 pm

children's dentistAs parents, you have a strong instinct to protect your children. As dental professionals, Dr. Cofer and his team want to protect their teeth from decay. In doing so, we can better ensure their dental and oral health. For this reason, we offer special treatments beyond the cleaning and exam that happens at six-month dental checkups. The children’s dentist in Waco, TX uses dental sealants to help your children have healthy and strong smiles for years to come.


Signs of Gum Disease? See Your Waco Dentist Today!

June 8, 2016

waco dentistThe signs of gum disease often go ignored — but it couldn’t be more important to seek treatment for gum disease, also known as periodontitis. Left untreated, the condition can have serious effects on an otherwise healthy body. Think your chances of developing periodontitis are low? It’s estimated that 75 percent of American adults exhibit the symptoms of gum disease. Fortunately, the condition is easy to treat and reverse, and your Waco dentist offers gum disease treatment at Premier Family Dental.


Root Canal Therapy in Waco: Does It Hurt?

June 6, 2016

root canal therapy in wacoPreparing for your root canal therapy in Waco? We know you’re probably dreading it — root canals definitely have a bad wrap in the dental world. But we’ve got good news! Not only are modern root canals nothing to fear, but they’re also often the only way to get out of tooth pain and back to living your life normally. Keep reading to learn what you can expect from your upcoming root canal at Premier Family Dental, including what happens during the procedure and how to enjoy a speedy recovery.


Why Teeth Change Color (And What You Can Do About It)

June 1, 2016

teeth whitening in wacoWhen you ask most people what they’d like to improve about their smile, the answer is the color of their teeth. Over time, teeth naturally darken as a result of food, beverages, and certain habits. It’s not surprising that teeth whitening is becoming one of the most popular treatments you find in the dentist’s office today — and Dr. Rick Cofer offers professional teeth whitening for all of Waco. Learn what’s causing your teeth to change color, and ways you can prevent their staining for a whiter smile, naturally.


CEREC in Waco: Restorative Dentistry in Just One Visit!

May 20, 2016

CEREC in waco Faster isn’t always better — unless it’s combined with improved results, too. That’s what you get with CEREC in Waco. It’s a machine that uses CAD/CAM technology to make same-day dentistry possible — and that means you can have your next dental crown completed in just one visit to Premier Family Dental. Interested? Keep reading to learn more from Dr. Rick Cofer!


Straight Teeth Faster with ClearCorrect

May 16, 2016

cosmetic dentist in wacoIf you’ve always struggled with misaligned teeth, or if your smile has simply lost its way since you wore braces in adolescence, your cosmetic dentist in Waco has a solution: ClearCorrect. These clear braces are designed with busy adults like you in mind. Keep reading to learn more about the fantastic orthodontic option!


What’s Causing Your Bad Breath? (plus solutions!)

May 9, 2016

waco dentistNo one is immune to periodic bouts of bad breath, but when your odor goes beyond a temporary after-lunch condition into a chronic, foul problem, you may need to make some changes to breathe fresh air once again. As your Waco dentist, Dr. Cofer wants you to enjoy a happy mouth — keep reading to learn more about what’s causing your smelly breath, and what you can do about it.


Hey Dentist in Waco, How Does a Cavity Develop?

May 2, 2016

dentist in wacoCavities — if you’ve ever had one, you’d probably like to keep it from happening again. When caught early, these small spots of decay are simple to fix. But when ignored, they can lead to far more serious problems, like infection and even extraction. Knowing how cavities develop can help you improve your dental care to prevent future spots of decay.


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